SE1, Southwark

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Get full Postcode District Crime Report for SE1 for just
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Bankside, South Bank, Southwark, Bermondsey, Vauxhall

Residential Population: 66,968

Population Density: 119.59 Persons per Hectare

Land Area: 559.97 Hectares

Daytime Population: 183,698

Population Density: 328.05 Persons per Hectare

To see the latest 6 months, adjust the time periods of the charts all the way back to Dec 2010, join UKCrimeStats and run reports, see heatmap, rank, compare and see in detail by total crime or crime type over any selected time period.

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Crime in SE1, Southwark

To see the latest 6 months, adjust the time periods of the charts all the way back to Dec 2010, join UKCrimeStats and run reports, see heatmap, rank, compare and see in detail by total crime or crime type over any selected time period.

ASBBurglaryRobberyVehicleViolentShopliftingCD&AOther TheftDrugsBike TheftTheft From the PersonWeaponsPublic OrderOtherTotal
Apr 202428864103382229358271305363197271,939
Mar 2024306641064327666482624542548116451,886
Feb 202428266713426543523565034437166971,782
Jan 20242816812131280475533847443491072141,757
Dec 20232765797413105873348322833746911,731
Nov 20232836690603236758406363336207751,866
Oct 20233457545332887550435454236365241,858
Sep 202330898944031912358390346032997861,946
Aug 2023300114844627213465385484630097071,880
Jul 2023320868942290865644647373321375141,933
Jun 2023294949545314124875353463360107582,138
May 202330210278442945960406516330688661,865

The Economic Policy Centre has made every effort in order to ensure that the data for UkCrimeStats is accurate and up to date. However, we are aware of certain deficiencies in this data which are beyond our control. That's because as a 3rd party developer, we do not collect the data, the Police do who then hand it over to another data company to release to 3rd party developers such as ourselves. We only download and analyse it so that you can use it. For full detail of these deficiencies, please read here.

Crime Plus ASB Breakdown for SE1


Crime Type and ASB Charts for SE1








In September 2011, Other Crime was divided into 6 categories - Drugs, Public Disorder & Weapons (which was later split further and so is not displayed here), Criminal Damage & Arson (CD&A), Theft - Shoplifting, Theft-Other and Other.






From May 2013, the following changes were made to the crime categories:
I) The violent crime category was renamed "violence and sexual offences"
2) A new category for "bicycle theft" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
3) A new category for "theft from the person" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
4) Public disorder and weapons were then split into two new categories; "public order" and "possession of weapons"
5) Both "other firearms offences" and "other knives offences" which were in "other crime" were moved into "possession of weapons".



