Crime on or near

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Individual crimes on or near for June 2024

#ID*LocationCrime Type
1143548414On or near Anti-social behaviour
2143548415On or near Anti-social behaviour
3143548416On or near Anti-social behaviour
4143548418On or near Anti-social behaviour
5143548422On or near Anti-social behaviour
6143548425On or near Anti-social behaviour
7143548428On or near Anti-social behaviour
8143956649On or near Anti-social behaviour
9143956650On or near Anti-social behaviour
10143956651On or near Anti-social behaviour
11143956653On or near Anti-social behaviour
12143956657On or near Anti-social behaviour
13143956660On or near Anti-social behaviour
14143956663On or near Anti-social behaviour
15144379673On or near Anti-social behaviour
16144379674On or near Anti-social behaviour
17144379675On or near Anti-social behaviour
18144379678On or near Anti-social behaviour
19144379682On or near Anti-social behaviour
20143548430On or near Burglary
21143548432On or near Burglary
22143548434On or near Burglary
23143548435On or near Burglary
24143956665On or near Burglary
25143956667On or near Burglary
26143956669On or near Burglary
27143956670On or near Burglary
28143548443On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
29143548446On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
30143548450On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
31143956678On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
32143956681On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
33143956685On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
34144379686On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
35144379688On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
36144379692On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
37144379695On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
38143548456On or near Drugs
39143956691On or near Drugs
40144379698On or near Drugs
41144379824On or near Other crime
42143548462On or near Other Theft
43143548465On or near Other Theft
44143548467On or near Other Theft
45143548472On or near Other Theft
46143548473On or near Other Theft
47143548478On or near Other Theft
48143956697On or near Other Theft
49143956700On or near Other Theft
50143956702On or near Other Theft
51143956707On or near Other Theft
52143956708On or near Other Theft
53143956713On or near Other Theft
54143548481On or near Possession of weapons
55143956716On or near Possession of weapons
56144379718On or near Possession of weapons
57143548484On or near Public order
58143548487On or near Public order
59143548489On or near Public order
60143548491On or near Public order
61143548492On or near Public order
62143548495On or near Public order
63143548497On or near Public order
64143548498On or near Public order
65143956719On or near Public order
66143956722On or near Public order
67143956724On or near Public order
68143956726On or near Public order
69143956727On or near Public order
70143956730On or near Public order
71143956732On or near Public order
72143956733On or near Public order
73144379720On or near Public order
74144379722On or near Public order
75144379726On or near Public order
76144379727On or near Public order
77144379729On or near Public order
78144379730On or near Public order
79144379733On or near Public order
80143548503On or near Robbery
81143956738On or near Robbery
82144379735On or near Robbery
83144379741On or near Robbery
84144379742On or near Robbery
85143548507On or near Shoplifting
86143548510On or near Shoplifting
87143548515On or near Shoplifting
88143548516On or near Shoplifting
89143956742On or near Shoplifting
90143956745On or near Shoplifting
91143956750On or near Shoplifting
92143956751On or near Shoplifting
93144379744On or near Shoplifting
94144379746On or near Shoplifting
95144379747On or near Shoplifting
96144379748On or near Shoplifting
97144379761On or near Shoplifting
98144379762On or near Shoplifting
99144379763On or near Shoplifting
100144379766On or near Shoplifting
101143548528On or near Violence and sexual offences
102143548541On or near Violence and sexual offences
103143548543On or near Violence and sexual offences
104143548544On or near Violence and sexual offences
105143548545On or near Violence and sexual offences
106143548548On or near Violence and sexual offences
107143548553On or near Violence and sexual offences
108143548559On or near Violence and sexual offences
109143548563On or near Violence and sexual offences
110143548570On or near Violence and sexual offences
111143548571On or near Violence and sexual offences
112143548572On or near Violence and sexual offences
113143548573On or near Violence and sexual offences
114143548574On or near Violence and sexual offences
115143548579On or near Violence and sexual offences
116143548580On or near Violence and sexual offences
117143548583On or near Violence and sexual offences
118143956763On or near Violence and sexual offences
119143956776On or near Violence and sexual offences
120143956778On or near Violence and sexual offences
121143956779On or near Violence and sexual offences
122143956780On or near Violence and sexual offences
123143956783On or near Violence and sexual offences
124143956788On or near Violence and sexual offences
125143956794On or near Violence and sexual offences
126143956798On or near Violence and sexual offences
127143956805On or near Violence and sexual offences
128143956806On or near Violence and sexual offences
129143956807On or near Violence and sexual offences
130143956808On or near Violence and sexual offences
131143956809On or near Violence and sexual offences
132143956814On or near Violence and sexual offences
133143956815On or near Violence and sexual offences
134143956818On or near Violence and sexual offences
135144379784On or near Violence and sexual offences
136144379790On or near Violence and sexual offences
137144379793On or near Violence and sexual offences
138144379795On or near Violence and sexual offences
139144379810On or near Violence and sexual offences
140144379812On or near Violence and sexual offences
141144379814On or near Violence and sexual offences
142144379817On or near Violence and sexual offences
143144379819On or near Violence and sexual offences
*This is a assigned ID and is not a police identifier

Crime history for this location

ASBBurglaryRobberyVehicleViolentShopliftingCD&AOther TheftDrugsBike TheftTheft From the PersonWeaponsPublic OrderOtherTotal
Dec 202312101554101215038
Nov 202352411803210107246
Oct 202361501212301001133
Sep 202320001511100007229
Aug 202310431341120014135
Jul 202310011311500112026
Jun 202301331931310127246
May 202322201311500522136
Apr 20232110601210017123
Mar 202331012010300216038
Feb 202320402136110117148
Jan 202331322635200136156

The Economic Policy Centre has made every effort in order to ensure that the data for UkCrimeStats is accurate and up to date. However, we are aware of certain deficiencies in this data which are beyond our control. That's because as a 3rd party developer, we do not collect the data, the Police do who then hand it over to another data company to release to 3rd party developers such as ourselves. We only download and analyse it so that you can use it. For full detail of these deficiencies, please read here.

All Crime Plus ASB Breakdown


Crime Type and ASB Charts for








In September 2011, Other Crime was divided into 6 categories - Drugs, Public Disorder & Weapons (which was later split further and so is not displayed here), Criminal Damage & Arson (CD&A), Theft - Shoplifting, Theft-Other and Other.






From May 2013, the following changes were made to the crime categories:
I) The violent crime category was renamed "violence and sexual offences"
2) A new category for "bicycle theft" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
3) A new category for "theft from the person" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
4) Public disorder and weapons were then split into two new categories; "public order" and "possession of weapons"
5) Both "other firearms offences" and "other knives offences" which were in "other crime" were moved into "possession of weapons".



