Located within datazone S01006853

Matching Scottish Datazone

Matching Constituencies/MPs

Matching Postcode districts

  1. AB12, Aberdeen, Altens, Ardoe, Banchory Devenick, Blairs, Bridge of Dee, Cove Bay, Maryculter, Nigg, Portlethen, Aberdeen

Matching Postcode sectors

  1. AB12 5, Aberdeen, Altens, Ardoe, Banchory Devenick, Blairs, Bridge of Dee, Cove Bay, Maryculter, Nigg, Portlethen, Aberdeen

Postcode AB125GL within datazone S01006853

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Postcode Percentile Ranking: Scotland 2017 - 2018

Your postcode centroid, AB125GL, has been matched to this Datazone: S01006853. Where 0 equals lowest and 100 equals highest ranked crime rate.
Crime Total14
Crime Rate15.1
Percentile Rank33.591
N.B. In the source data all totals less than 5 are recorded as 0.