Crime on or near

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Individual crimes on or near for June 2024

#ID*LocationCrime Type
1143427281On or near Anti-social behaviour
2143427282On or near Anti-social behaviour
3143427283On or near Anti-social behaviour
4143427284On or near Anti-social behaviour
5143427285On or near Anti-social behaviour
6143427287On or near Anti-social behaviour
7143427288On or near Anti-social behaviour
8143427289On or near Anti-social behaviour
9143427291On or near Anti-social behaviour
10143427292On or near Anti-social behaviour
11143427293On or near Anti-social behaviour
12143427295On or near Anti-social behaviour
13143427298On or near Anti-social behaviour
14143427299On or near Anti-social behaviour
15143427300On or near Anti-social behaviour
16143427301On or near Anti-social behaviour
17143835516On or near Anti-social behaviour
18143835517On or near Anti-social behaviour
19143835518On or near Anti-social behaviour
20143835519On or near Anti-social behaviour
21143835520On or near Anti-social behaviour
22143835522On or near Anti-social behaviour
23143835523On or near Anti-social behaviour
24143835524On or near Anti-social behaviour
25143835526On or near Anti-social behaviour
26143835527On or near Anti-social behaviour
27143835528On or near Anti-social behaviour
28143835530On or near Anti-social behaviour
29143835533On or near Anti-social behaviour
30143835534On or near Anti-social behaviour
31143835535On or near Anti-social behaviour
32143835536On or near Anti-social behaviour
33144252564On or near Anti-social behaviour
34144252565On or near Anti-social behaviour
35144252570On or near Anti-social behaviour
36144252571On or near Anti-social behaviour
37144252572On or near Anti-social behaviour
38144252576On or near Anti-social behaviour
39144252580On or near Anti-social behaviour
40144252582On or near Anti-social behaviour
41144252584On or near Anti-social behaviour
42144252586On or near Anti-social behaviour
43144252587On or near Anti-social behaviour
44143427303On or near Bicycle theft
45143427304On or near Bicycle theft
46143427305On or near Bicycle theft
47143835538On or near Bicycle theft
48143835539On or near Bicycle theft
49143835540On or near Bicycle theft
50144252589On or near Burglary
51143427309On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
52143835544On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
53144252593On or near Criminal Damage and Arson
54143427312On or near Drugs
55143835547On or near Drugs
56144252596On or near Drugs
57143427313On or near Other Theft
58143835548On or near Other Theft
59144252600On or near Other Theft
60144252601On or near Other Theft
61144252602On or near Other Theft
62144252604On or near Other Theft
63143427317On or near Possession of weapons
64143835552On or near Possession of weapons
65144252606On or near Possession of weapons
66143427319On or near Public order
67143427320On or near Public order
68143427322On or near Public order
69143835554On or near Public order
70143835555On or near Public order
71143835557On or near Public order
72144252609On or near Public order
73144252610On or near Public order
74144252611On or near Public order
75144252613On or near Public order
76143427324On or near Robbery
77143427325On or near Robbery
78143835559On or near Robbery
79143835560On or near Robbery
80144252615On or near Robbery
81143427327On or near Shoplifting
82143427329On or near Shoplifting
83143427332On or near Shoplifting
84143427333On or near Shoplifting
85143427334On or near Shoplifting
86143427335On or near Shoplifting
87143835562On or near Shoplifting
88143835564On or near Shoplifting
89143835567On or near Shoplifting
90143835568On or near Shoplifting
91143835569On or near Shoplifting
92143835570On or near Shoplifting
93144252618On or near Shoplifting
94144252619On or near Shoplifting
95144252620On or near Shoplifting
96144252621On or near Shoplifting
97144252623On or near Shoplifting
98144252624On or near Shoplifting
99144252625On or near Shoplifting
100144252626On or near Shoplifting
101144252628On or near Theft from the person
102143427337On or near Violence and sexual offences
103143427339On or near Violence and sexual offences
104143427340On or near Violence and sexual offences
105143427341On or near Violence and sexual offences
106143427343On or near Violence and sexual offences
107143427345On or near Violence and sexual offences
108143427347On or near Violence and sexual offences
109143427358On or near Violence and sexual offences
110143427360On or near Violence and sexual offences
111143427361On or near Violence and sexual offences
112143427363On or near Violence and sexual offences
113143427366On or near Violence and sexual offences
114143427369On or near Violence and sexual offences
115143427370On or near Violence and sexual offences
116143427371On or near Violence and sexual offences
117143427372On or near Violence and sexual offences
118143427373On or near Violence and sexual offences
119143835572On or near Violence and sexual offences
120143835574On or near Violence and sexual offences
121143835575On or near Violence and sexual offences
122143835576On or near Violence and sexual offences
123143835578On or near Violence and sexual offences
124143835580On or near Violence and sexual offences
125143835582On or near Violence and sexual offences
126143835593On or near Violence and sexual offences
127143835595On or near Violence and sexual offences
128143835596On or near Violence and sexual offences
129143835598On or near Violence and sexual offences
130143835601On or near Violence and sexual offences
131143835604On or near Violence and sexual offences
132143835605On or near Violence and sexual offences
133143835606On or near Violence and sexual offences
134143835607On or near Violence and sexual offences
135143835608On or near Violence and sexual offences
136144252632On or near Violence and sexual offences
137144252634On or near Violence and sexual offences
138144252635On or near Violence and sexual offences
139144252637On or near Violence and sexual offences
140144252645On or near Violence and sexual offences
141144252646On or near Violence and sexual offences
142144252649On or near Violence and sexual offences
143144252650On or near Violence and sexual offences
144144252653On or near Violence and sexual offences
145144252668On or near Violence and sexual offences
146144252669On or near Violence and sexual offences
*This is a assigned ID and is not a police identifier

Crime history for this location

ASBBurglaryRobberyVehicleViolentShopliftingCD&AOther TheftDrugsBike TheftTheft From the PersonWeaponsPublic OrderOtherTotal
Dec 2023220011093100002048
Nov 2023150001370212104045
Oct 20231400011102011213045
Sep 202325000671200103045
Aug 202324100890120026154
Jul 2023160001353010006145
Jun 2023170111343000216149
May 20231200013111010103042
Apr 202312000565110004034
Mar 202317000720000100128
Feb 2023261011751041205063
Jan 202330000721310004048

The Economic Policy Centre has made every effort in order to ensure that the data for UkCrimeStats is accurate and up to date. However, we are aware of certain deficiencies in this data which are beyond our control. That's because as a 3rd party developer, we do not collect the data, the Police do who then hand it over to another data company to release to 3rd party developers such as ourselves. We only download and analyse it so that you can use it. For full detail of these deficiencies, please read here.

All Crime Plus ASB Breakdown


Crime Type and ASB Charts for








In September 2011, Other Crime was divided into 6 categories - Drugs, Public Disorder & Weapons (which was later split further and so is not displayed here), Criminal Damage & Arson (CD&A), Theft - Shoplifting, Theft-Other and Other.






From May 2013, the following changes were made to the crime categories:
I) The violent crime category was renamed "violence and sexual offences"
2) A new category for "bicycle theft" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
3) A new category for "theft from the person" was created which previously fell within "other theft"
4) Public disorder and weapons were then split into two new categories; "public order" and "possession of weapons"
5) Both "other firearms offences" and "other knives offences" which were in "other crime" were moved into "possession of weapons".



